caubdns editor

Before using this, PLEASE read these instructions.

enable metered (update blocker)
edit dns

edit proxy
ftp proxy
HTTP proxy
secure HTTPS proxy
socks host
domains to exclude as json array
example: ["*.com", ""]


Edit the settings above
Go to chrome://network#state
Scroll to "Favourite Networks"
Find the wifi network that you are currently connected to
Click the + next to the wifi name
Copy all the data that appears (the {} curly braces)
Paste the data into the box below and press the generate button

Importing the ONC file

Once you have downloaded the file, go to chrome://network#general
Scroll to the bottom and click "Import ONC"
Open the downloaded file, it should say "Networks imported: 1"
Your network should be configured now.


Not made by me (TravellerEntity)! All credit goes to people from the TitaniumNetwork Discord.